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The Use of AI for Content Localization and Transcreation for Global Brands

Localization, translation, and transcreation are key terms used to describe a situation when a global brand needs to make the content that was created centrally available for use by local markets. Word-for-word translation is never an option in marketing – to resonate with local  audiences, brands must adapt content to suit the brand voice in particular markets with their unique cultural contexts. 

In the digital content age, it is crucial to have plenty of relevant content, ready to use in days or sometimes minutes – traditional slow ways of producing content aren’t an option anymore. As the demand for localized and transcreated texts grows, so too does the need for efficient and accurate solutions. Translation and localization aren’t new, but the advances of AI are making remarkable strides in the realm of language-related tasks. 

Advanced Language Capabilities of AI

Since the launch of GPT-3, there have been several advancements in AI language models. For instance, OpenAI recently released GPT-3’s successor, GPT-4, which is expected to have even more advanced capabilities. Other models, such as T5 and BERT, have also been launched and are used by businesses to improve their global content strategies.

One significant advancement in language models has been the improved understanding of context and nuance. This means that artificial intelligence can now recognize and respond to more complex language patterns, such as idioms and colloquialisms, resulting in more accurate and natural-sounding translations.

Additionally, there has been enhanced multilingual support in language models. This enables businesses to translate their texts into a wide range of languages, including those with complex grammar and syntax, with greater accuracy.

The advanced capabilities of artificial intelligence have significant potential for tackling complex localization and transcreation tasks. AI algorithms can analyze data from multiple sources, such as social media, website traffic, and sales data, to gain insights into target audiences and their preferences.

Using this information, AI can create personalized content that resonates with the target audience while ensuring that it is culturally and linguistically appropriate. This not only saves time and effort for transcreation teams but also helps reduce the risk of errors in the localization process.

The advancements in language models have significant implications for global brand strategies. Companies can now use artificial intelligence to create highly personalized content that resonates with their target audiences across different and cultures. This can help increase engagement, build loyalty, and ultimately drive sales.

Furthermore, AI can help companies optimize their texts for different platforms and devices, ensuring that it is easily accessible to their target audience. This allows brands to stay ahead of the competition and expand their reach into new markets.

AI and Content Localization

“Localization” refers to translating and adapting texts to the linguistic, cultural, and functional requirements of a specific locale. It also involves adapting images, icons, colors, and other design elements to align with the target culture. The goal is to create a seamless and natural experience for the local audience, enabling them to connect with the brand on a deeper level.

AI helps with that by greatly enhancing machine translation. The result is neural machine translation, or NMT, which can do the following:

  • Translate large volumes in real time more quickly and accurately than before.
  • Learn from previous translations to improve accuracy.
  • Help with cultural adaptation by analyzing the cultural context of the target audience. For example, an AI system might identify idiomatic expressions or cultural references that would be unfamiliar to foreigners and recommend alternative phrasing.

Several global brands have already leveraged AI-powered content localization to great success. Here are some of them:

  • Airbnb, a platform that connects travelers with local hosts, uses AI to translate its listings into more than 60 languages in real time. 
  • HubSpot, a marketing automation software company, uses AI to localize its website and marketing content of its clients.
  • Netflix has been leveraging AI-powered subtitle localization to tailor its offerings for viewers worldwide.

AI and Transcreation

Transcreation is the process of adapting content from one language to another while maintaining the intended message, tone, and style. It goes beyond mere translation and involves a creative touch to resonate with the cultural and linguistic nuances of the target audience. For global brands, transcreation is crucial to effectively communicate their message and connect with customers in different regions.

AI-powered tools are increasingly being used to assist with transcreation. They can do a number of things:

  • Analyze the source and understand the target audience.
  • Detect emotions in the source and generate text that evokes a similar emotional response in the target demographic.
  • Generate alternative phrasing and wording options that are culturally and linguistically appropriate. 

Challenges and Future Directions

There are still some limitations that need to be addressed. One of the primary challenges is ensuring that the content is culturally appropriate and aligns with the values and beliefs of the target audience. This requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and context, which can be difficult for AI algorithms to grasp.

Another challenge is maintaining the quality and brand voice. While AI can generate text quickly and efficiently, it often lacks the human touch. This can result in texts that are technically accurate but lack the nuance and flair that are essential for effective communication.

To address the challenges, it is essential to integrate AI with human expertise. That can help  brands achieve the best of both worlds: speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the machine, and the creativity, nuance, and emotional intelligence of human writers.

At Intentful, we offer artificial intelligence content at scale, faster and at lower price than if the traditional method is applied. Our algorithms are trained to understand context and nuance, ensuring that the texts are culturally appropriate and resonate with the target audience. Brands can order texts turnkey or create them in a dedicated AI instance.

If you have any questions or want to book a workshop, please feel free to contact Intentful.

According to a study by Common Sense Advisory, 76% of people prefer to purchase products if they have info about them in their native language. At that, 40% rarely or never buy from websites in other languages. This demonstrates the significance of localization for purchasing decisions.