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Sources of Brand Discovery

In a world where consumers are bombarded with endless choices, brand discovery has never been more crucial in determining a company's success. Effectively presenting your brand to potential customers is a crucial element for any business, enabling you to succeed and prosper in the ever-changing market landscape.

As a quick overview, here is how people prefer to find products and services these days.


This blog post will discuss the significance of brand discovery and offer an overview of the most popular channels where your brand can stand out.

Search engines

In today's digital era, search engines are essential in helping consumers discover new brands. With over 8.5 billion searches occurring daily only on Google, businesses must optimize their online presence to be easily found by potential customers.

  • Organic search. Efficient SEO efforts can optimize a website's structure, content, and overall online presence to rank higher in search engine results. By incorporating relevant keywords, improving site speed, and creating high-quality texts, videos, and podcasts, businesses can increase their visibility and drive more organic traffic to their site.
  • Paid search advertising allows bidding on specific keywords related to their products or services, ensuring their ads appear at the top of search engine results. 


Traditional advertising remains a powerful tool for discovery. The main traditional ad channels for reaching potential customers are as follows:

  • Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, have long been a vehicle for brand promotion. From full-page ads to smaller placements, such media can target specific audiences, raise awareness, and drive consumers to explore a business further. While a share of this type of media is declining, it is still read by a lot of people.
  • Radio and television ads can reach a large demographic and create memorable impressions. With the right messaging and creative execution, they can pique consumers' interest and are great for building brand awareness. 

Word of Mouth

One of the most tried and true discovery methods is word of mouth. Even in the digital age, personal recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues remain significant in influencing consumers' decisions. About 25% of all age groups of Internet users discover brands via this source.

Personal recommendations often come from positive experiences with a product or service. People are more likely to share great encounters with a company with others, who, in turn, may become new customers.

Public Relations and Events

Strategic public relations and event participation can help build relationships with key stakeholders, journalists, and consumers, increasing visibility and discovery.

  • Via press releases and media coverage, brands can generate buzz around their products or services.
  • Participating in trade shows and industry events allows enterprises to showcase what they offer to a targeted audience. These events provide an opportunity for face-to-face interactions with potential customers and serve as a platform for networking and building relationships with other professionals.

Social Media

Social media platforms have become a popular way for consumers to discover new brands, engage with existing ones, and share their experiences with other people. To leverage their power, businesses actively leverage that medium’s two main options:

  • Regularly posting updates, responding to comments, and participating in relevant conversations can help businesses create a solid organic social media presence.
  • Paid social media advertising allows companies to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. 

Content Marketing

Content marketing allows businesses to provide valuable information to potential customers, showcase their expertise, and build trust.

  • Blogging can help establish authority and drive organic traffic. Guest posting on industry-related websites can increase visibility, generate backlinks, and attract new customers
  • Video marketing via platforms like YouTube and Vimeo can help businesses showcase their products, services, or industry knowledge. Videos capture the audience's attention and can improve search engine rankings and drive traffic to a company's website..
  • Podcasts and webinars effectively provide valuable information to a target audience, showcase your expertise, generate leads, and promote brand discovery. (To learn more about the stimulating potential of generative AI, explore Intentful's "Events" page and visit one of our upcoming events focused on AI-driven content creation).

Influence Marketing

Types of Influencers

Influencer marketing leverages the reach and credibility of individuals with a solid online presence to promote products and services.

Businesses can collaborate with several types of influencers:

  • Celebrities such as actors, musicians, and athletes have a massive following and can create significant buzz around a brand. 
  • Industry experts can lend credibility to a brand, help it establish trust with potential customers, and drive interest in its products or services.
  • Micro-influencers typically have a smaller but highly engaged audience, often focusing on a specific niche. Their authentic content and strong connection with their followers make them a practical option for businesses targeting a specific customer segment.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Various collaborations and partnerships allow enterprises to reach new audiences and increase the engagement of existing ones. They come in various forms:

  • Sponsored posts and product reviews by influencers. 
  • Giveaways and contests in partnership with influencers. They can create excitement around a brand and encourage audience engagement. Enterprises can attract new customers and increase awareness by offering exclusive prizes, discounts, or experiences.
  • Affiliate partnerships with influencers, who get unique referral links or discount codes to share with their audience. This performance-based marketing strategy allows influencers to earn a commission for each sale or conversion generated thanks to them.
  • Sponsoring sports teams and venues can create positive associations with an enterprise and increase visibility among fans. This can include logo placements on team jerseys, signage at stadiums, or branded merchandise and promotional materials.
  • Partnering with charitable organizations or supporting cause-related events can demonstrate an enterprise's commitment to social responsibility and create consumer goodwill. Collaborating with charities can involve product or financial donations or co-hosting events.

Measuring Brand Discovery Success

KPIs for Brand Discovery Success

To determine the effectiveness of discovery strategies, businesses must track various key performance indicators (KPIs) that can provide insights into the success of their marketing efforts.

  • Analyzing website traffic and conversions can help businesses gauge their discovery strategies' efficiency. An increased number of site visitors and a high conversion rate indicate that their marketing successfully attracts potential customers.
  • Monitoring social media engagement, such as likes, comments, shares, and follower growth, can help businesses understand their brand's online presence and measure the success of their social media marketing.
  • Tracking the reach and overall effectiveness of influencer collaborations is crucial. This can include metrics such as impressions, likes, comments, and shares generated by the influencer's content. 
    Analytic Tools and Platforms.

Analytic Tools and Platforms

To effectively measure the success of discovery strategies, businesses must also utilize various analytics tools and platforms. They enable tracking and analyzing key performance indicators, helping companies make data-driven decisions to increase their strategies’ efficiency.

  • Google Analytics is a powerful and widely used analytics tool that provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. By tracking important metrics such as unique visitors, bounce rate, time on site, and others, businesses can understand their website's performance and measure the success of their brand discovery efforts.
  • Social media platforms offer built-in analytics tools to help companies monitor their effectiveness. They provide insights into follower growth, post engagement, impressions, click-through rates, and other metrics. Some popular third-party social media analytics tools are Ahrefs, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Buffer.
  • Influencer marketing platforms help track and analyze the reach, engagement, and conversion metrics of brands’ collaborations with influencers. AspireIQ, Upfluence, and CreatorIQ are popular platforms of this kind.

Conclusion: Maximizing Brand Discovery Success

In today's highly competitive market, it is essential for businesses to effectively leverage various sources of discovery to maximize their reach and attract new customers. Businesses can create a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach by combining traditional methods such as word of mouth, advertising, and public relations with digital strategies like search engine optimization, social media, and content marketing.

To further enhance your brand's visibility and reach in this dynamic landscape, reach out to Intentful. Our cutting-edge AI technology can create engaging and high-quality blog posts, social media content, and other types of texts that will resonate with your target audience and drive discovery. Thanks to AI, that takes far less time and money than with traditional methods. Don't hesitate to contact us and see how Intentful's AI-powered content creation can elevate your content strategy, helping you stand out in the competitive market.