Attracting the modern-day traveler to your town, local event, or attractions can be a task of...
Real-life case studies of the use of AI by Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)
This article is a video and a transcript of “The AI Adoption Journey: Impact and Learnings” session from eTourism Summit 2024 that took place in Las Vegas.
The panelists are:
Amie Newsome, Social Media & Content Manager, Visit NC Smokies
Maria Gonzalez, Content & Community Engagement Manager, Travel Santa Ana
Kendall Akin, Creative Manager, Visit Estes Park
Moderator: Bruce Amick, COO, Intentful
Bruce: This is my first industry panel. For 30 years, I've been running companies, and I've been able to get other people to get up here and do this for me because I don't particularly enjoy doing it. But here I am. I'm here because Marina, who is supposed to be doing this, couldn't be here. And if any of you know Marina, you understand that she's kind of a controlling person. So, she decided that she would create an AI avatar of herself.
Marina AI Avatar: Hello, everyone. Believe it or not, but I am an AI avatar of Marina, the CEO of Intentful. She could not join the eTourism Summit this year but thought it might be a good idea to have her AI version attend. As an AI avatar, I can speak like Marina, but I don't have her Ukrainian accent as I am still a work in progress. My pitch sounds a little monotonous, but this will get fixed, too.
During the last two years, Intentful was honored to share use cases and recommendations on the practical applications of AI for DMOs and travel brands. Just like during the last two years, there are two key things to remember.
First, you can teach AI anything, and once you have your own AI model, there are literally thousands of ways you can apply it. Look at me; I can be trained on things to do in San Francisco this weekend and can easily answer questions in pretty much any language—zero translation costs involved, by the way. Start with text-only AI models, though. They are already good enough for everyday use.
Second, learn how to bring together data and AI. Maximize the learnings that you have about your visitors, campaigns, and more, and accelerate it all with the power of AI. It's a totally new level of visitor engagement. Today, even as an AI version of Marina, I am super happy that we are participating in the eTourism Summit with three of our amazing DMO clients: Visit NC Smokies, Visit Estes Park, and Travel Santa Ana.
My amazing business partner Bruce is here in person and will moderate the panel, so I'll sign off now. Before Bruce takes over, may I suggest we start with the introductions? Could you introduce yourself and talk about the destination you represent? Who would like to go first?
Bruce: We actually drew straws, and Maria is going to go first.
Maria: Hi everyone, Hola. I'm Maria Gonzalez, and I'm with Travel Santa Ana. Sant’ Ana, as I like to say it, or Santa Ana, is located in beautiful Southern California. If you fly into John Wayne Airport, SNA call signs, then you're in Santa Ana. We're six minutes from Anaheim at Disneyland, so many of you have probably visited there, or you could drive through us. I love Santa Ana.
Our mission is so simple. It's to share Santa Ana with the world, and that's why, for me, it's a lot of pressure to be the literal voice of Santa Ana. We are now the third largest city in Orange County. We were just beaten by Irvine, and we're second; we're after Anaheim, of course. Our vision is to elevate Santa Ana as an authentic and welcoming Orange County destination. And we do that really well. I just want to point out some fun facts about Santa Ana.
Every person or picture you see in our branding, in our marketing [on our] website, [features] no hired models. Everybody is a resident of our city, and that really helps us make it super true to who we are. And Santa Ana is a very prideful city. Some of you may know we don't have an actual logo, so if you meet me and I give you a business card, I let you choose one of our five signatures. Something that we did that's really authentic to us is we hired five artists to design a signature based on what the city means to them. That's how we stay true to who we are, and later, we'll share how creating content is so important.
We're a small and mighty team of three, so I'm the Content & Community Engagement Manager. We have our President and Director of Sales, so we're a very small DMO. If you're a small DMO, raise your hand. Whoo! Yay, I'm not alone. I love it. And then, yeah, thank you.
Kendall: That is awesome about the logo. I did not know that. I'm Kendall, Creative Manager for Visit Estes Park, the base camp for the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. We have an awesome outdoor adventure appeal, obviously. And yeah, that's it.
Amie: Hi, my name is Amie Newsome, and I'm the Social Media & Content Manager for Visit NC Smokies. We cover all of Haywood County, North Carolina, which is made up of five mountain towns. And we offer everything from the most scenic miles of the Blue Ridge Parkway to a growing elk population. I know you also have elk, but ours is better. But those are in the most visited national park in the nation.
We are also a small but mighty team of four full-time staff members whose mission is to inspire visitors through our content to want to stay and play in Haywood County and make it their home for outdoor adventure in western North Carolina. But I'm excited to join these ladies on this panel today and talk about our journey so far with AI.
Bruce: Cool. All right. That's it. We're done. So, actually, let's talk about the start of this journey. You are different DMOs, different sizes. What did it take to start adapting AI? What was the inspiration that made you pull the trigger, take the leap, make the jump? Kendall?
Kendall: Yeah. Kara saw it last year at eTourism. A lot of CEOs were talking about yesterday; it was spamming us back home, and we were talking about all the crazy ideas that we needed to implement. And so she came back, and we gave us this assignment of trying out a different AI tool every week. Nothing productive needed to come from it, which was such a relief for me because I was scared. So, we just got to play every week and let her know what we found. We were doing some pretty dumb prompts, but that is how we dismantled that fear.
Bruce: And it was everybody in the organization or just the marketing department?
Kendall: Everyone, and that was what was so cool about it. We figured out how everyone could use AI to help them.
Bruce: Amie?
Amie: Actually, Intentful inspired us to try AI at our DMO. I promise I'm not pitching or anything, but you guys have your cowbells. But I'll tell you all a story. My first eTourism was three years ago in Orlando, and that's where I saw Marina speak for the first time, and not the AI version of her. She really inspired me to start trying those tools before ChatGPT was even launched, to start thinking about it. Then, last year, when she unveiled the HappyPlaces tool, I was literally texting my coworkers, ‘We need to get on this.’ Basically, it was FOMO, and I didn't want us to get left behind.
Bruce: How difficult was convincing your coworkers to ‘let's do this’?
Amie: It didn't take too long. I'm pretty persuasive.
Maria: I just want to add I was here last year when Marina unveiled [HappyPlaces]. She showed us what HappyPlaces could do for your destination, and basically, you'll hear about it later, but it's a trained model that just knows your destination. It could do awesome things, from translation to content creation and SEO ranking, as well as writing metadata and creating outlines. [As] a small and mighty team of three, our team is empowered to basically come up with a wish list at the end of the year when we're getting ready for budget planning for next year, so I added HappyPlaces to my wish list. I brought it up to my president. It did not take a lot of convincing. She's like, ‘If you think it's going to help you,’ and yeah, it's pretty much like my sidekick or wingman, winggirl. It's still very [much a process where] I'm the human controlling it, and it's just nice to have something to inspire or guide me.
Bruce: We always refer to the AI as our robot or the robot, and it's definitely a companion type. It's important, because the robots will, at one point, take over the world, to develop a friendly relationship with them from the start, so just that little bit of advice.
Amie: I love the name HappyPlaces. It just has a positive spin on it.
Bruce: So, any fears? I mean, we've all seen the Terminator slide presentations that happen or trash-talking AI from other panelists in other sessions. Any fears that your team had about making the step or once the journey got started? Amie, you want to go first?
Amie: So, as I said before, at the 2022 conference, AI was not unveiled to the masses yet, and it wasn't until later that year that ChatGPT [was officially] launched. Once that started coming to the forefront of news headlines, I had more legs to stand on to make my case that this was something that my small team needed. In between the time of launch and last year's eTourism, I was playing around with different tools, but I never really felt like it was giving me the outputs that I wanted. Enter HappyPlaces, a generative AI tool specific to DMOs, and that's when all of my fears were dispelled. I finally had a tool that had everything in it that was specific to the tourism industry.
Bruce: Kendall?
Kendall: Yeah, right off the bat, most people probably were all scared that it was going to take our jobs. And then, after playing with it week after week and after we got HappyPlaces,
I realized that it is like a true partnership between the two people, or me and the robot on the person. Yeah, well, they're getting too real.
Bruce: It's happening!
Kendall: No, but yeah, I’m just viewing it as a partnership, realizing that AI can't do what I can do and I can't do what AI can do and truly crafting it, like that.
Bruce: And you? Any fears that you had to combat?
Maria: Playing around with ChatGPT and all of that, you pull [up] information, and it tells you, ‘This restaurant is open.’ It turns out that restaurant does not even exist, or it's like some other third-world country, and you're like, ‘No!’ So HappyPlaces came along, and it kind of put up some safeguards. So that's been good so far.
I had a positive experience with AI prior to this, so I'm like, ‘It's gonna work.’ I was just messing around on my street in Santa Ana. Our city is over 150 years old, and we had this cracked street or sidewalk, and I'm like, ‘Okay, can you write a really concerning letter to my local politician so he can fix the street?’ I kid you not. I used the robot, and I was nice to it. Within 20 minutes, and it's true, 20 minutes we had people outside taking pictures, and I got the street fixed thanks to the robot.
Bruce: Wow, that's an amazing testimonial. I hadn't heard that one before. Okay, so you all use our Intentful's HappyPlaces product for content creation, and you're in different stages in the adoption journey. What tangible benefits have you observed since implementing AI? I think we'll start with you, Kendall. Do you want to use the slides for this one?
Kendall: Yeah, sure.
Bruce: Okay.
Kendall: I use HappyPlaces in a few different ways. The first one [is that] we use it to help us write a blog. It does take a lot of prompting, and you have to know how to speak to it kindly. You see the prompts on the one side and then the blog on the right, and that is definitely not like a boom-boom situation. A lot more crafting goes into it, so we like to use it to help us build an outline or to fill out an outline. It helps my writer's block and get started on these projects.
So that's the blog, and then we also use the Repurpose Tool on HappyPlaces, especially being a small destination. We only have so many coffee shops and talk about them a lot, so how can we talk about them in different ways and on different platforms? So we use that Repurpose Tool to help give us ideas about a new angle to talk about.
Another cool thing about HappyPlaces that I like, especially with my creative brain, is not automatically thinking about SEO because I like a fluffy title when that's not the most helpful. I lean on Intentful for SEO purposes and SEO ideas and blog titles specifically. So that's been really helpful.
Bruce: Amie?
Amie: Yeah, we use it in a similar fashion as Kendall. Another way that we've used it is in visitor guide content. [Because we are] a small team, there are only so many hours in the day to craft a whole visitor guide that we produce annually. But this example is a ‘pause and peaks' itinerary, which AI came up with that very cute, witty name.
And I knew we were a dog-friendly destination. People are always asking things to do with your dogs in the area. So I put in that I wanted morning, evening, and afternoon activities and put in a few key partners and places in our area, like the Smoky Mountain Dog Bakery and Frog Level Brewing Company, just to make sure places in our area were represented. I was very pleased with the output, but as Kendall said, we still need that human component to check our work and make sure that everything is accurate.
Bruce: It's something that we have said from day one, the very first time we started talking about AI three years ago, and it's actually in your end-user license agreements. You may not have read that fine print, but we encourage that there is human interaction with the content and the process, that you check the content before you publish it. But also, you want to make sure not just for a factual basis, because we've helped to amplify that issue by having the AI trained on your destination and building a knowledge base, but your style and your message need a human nuance. We're humans talking to humans. AI is a tool to help us do that more efficiently, more effectively, but it still needs a human touch. It's just a really important part of that. Maria?
Maria: Yes, and I'm fairly new to HappyPlaces. We just signed on at the beginning of this year. And something unique about my destination [is that] we're one of the fairly new DMOs out there. We were founded three years ago. It's going to be my two-year anniversary coming up. Yay! But something really special is that I got to come into this role creating everything from scratch. So that's a lot of work. We didn't even have a brand. And we had a very extensive brand analysis involving our stakeholders and residents. I was one of the people that was [interviewed] — I'm a resident of Santa Ana, I was interviewed, and it was a really thought-out project in process.
Now, one of the challenges is [that] there's never been one organization that organizes all the information in one place. Being an old city, we have a lot of mom-and-pop shops that don't have any marketing. They don't have a website, and they rely on word of mouth. A good example of that is Caiacuatro, which is Ford Street. It's in our historic downtown. There are a lot of quinceanera shops - there are lots of beautiful bridal dresses and sweet 16 dresses, all of that. And as you can imagine, these are people [who embody] the American dream stories. They come from Mexico, and they open their store shop, and they don't have a website. What does AI help me do is create listings that can help them rank and help us rank higher. And then sometimes I do interview, I love interviewing our small business owners, and they're scared. They're like, ‘Are you the IRS? What do you want? I don't need help. I don't want to be listed on your website for free.’ And it's like, ‘No, it's a service to our visitors so that they could find you.’ And that's how AI helps me.
Bruce: That's interesting, yeah. ‘Not the IRS’—you need that T-shirt. So, how has AI impacted your team? Has it necessitated upskilling or changes in workflows?
Amie: Yeah. My marketing manager and I both use AI pretty much every day. It has definitely streamlined our workflow. We also just hired a part-time Digital Event & Marketing Assistant. She uses the tool to craft events and business listings. HappyPlaces has a tool specific to that, which is great for keeping up with partner listings and everything. Because oftentimes, they don't come to us with the content about their event or their business. It's like coming up with it from scratch. So it's been very helpful and saved us a whole lot of time.
Kendall: My favorite part about it is that our whole team can use it. It's really armed our community relations team to create content, especially if they have a request for which our marketing team doesn't have the immediate bandwidth. They can use Intentful to get it off the ground and then bring it to us at the final stages to push it over the finish line. It's been really cool to see the community relations team get more involved in content.
Bruce: So before, it was more siloed, but now it's more collaborative.
Kendall: Totally. We trust the community relations team because they're obviously experts on our destination, but HappyPlaces also scrapes our website. There's definitely a lot of trust there.
Maria: I just want to give a shout-out to Elena. They create content specifically in Spanish for the visitors and not vice versa. That's something that HappyPlaces helps me with, and it's so incredible. I'm a native Spanish speaker, not Google Translate, which is awful, but at the same time, I don't know all the proper ways to write. And I could craft with AI in Spanish. One of the most searched things on our website, thanks to… Can I give a simple view a shout-out? I have a great relationship with our SEO person, and they're like, ‘Hey, you're ranking high for ‘What are the best barras or bars in Santa Ana,’ and there's no content.’ So what do I do? I take that. I create the best bars in Santa Ana in Spanish. Boom! That's super easy, and you guys can do that, too, without using AI, or this can amplify it.
Bruce: This is sort of a 10-pound gorilla question. Do you think AI has the potential to disrupt the DMO landscape in the future? If so, how?
Amie: I don't know if I'd use the word ‘disrupt,’ but I do feel like some may get left behind. They don't hop on the train and may get left behind at the station. I feel like we were one of your first clients as well. And we knew the value of it early on. I think, especially for smaller DMOs, I hope that you're inspired after this session to start playing around with it and just do it.
Kendall: It has already disrupted it a bit, but that is the most constant thing we can't expect to keep happening. But I think that having that brand trust at your core is more important now than ever if you're going to dive into the AI world.
Bruce: Anything to add?
Maria: Nothing to add.
Bruce: Okay. I have lived through a couple of centuries myself, and I've seen some disruptions. I think the internet was a disruption, a huge disruption that impacted every industry, but I think DMOs as well. It was a new way to market yourself and a reaction to online travel agencies as well. So we've got to be playing in the same ballpark at least, or we're not going to get the advantage of all these extra visitors. I think that AI is not so disruptive. I know there's a lot of apprehension about it because it came up so fast and seems so powerful and magical. It's really more of a helper, more than anything else. It helps you create more content. It helps you do more analysis faster. It's like a super-capable, very well-trained, doesn't-talk-back-to-you, won't-ask-for-a-raise employee. So if that's disruption, then yes, it's disruptive.
Kendall: And what a fun way to get creative. Try to think about how you can use AI in new ways, too, and that's a really fun opportunity.
Bruce: That's, I think, question number eight or nine. So, what advice would you give to DMOs considering the adoption of AI? Let's start with you, Maria.
Maria: One is don't be afraid to try it. I mean, it's not for everyone. If it works for you, great. If it doesn't, hey, at least you tried it, right? Like when you play in the slot machines over here, if you don't play, you may not win, so don't be afraid to try it.
Kendall: Yeah, I think for me, it'd be like, ‘Don't rely on it to do all your work for you.’ It's really made us all so much faster, but still churning out such high-quality work at the same time. It's been cool to see those two things work together.
Amie: I think everyone has a different experience with it for us. Our main goal was to refresh our existing content and improve it, but also create new content. But someone else may want to use AI for generating images, which is not something we use it for, but it's definitely good for. We were talking at dinner yesterday about sketching or planning out something or envisioning a destination in a different way. But there's definitely so many tools out there that you can pull from for different marketing goals.
Bruce: I find it to be a really good brainstorming partner. You have some ideas and ask the robot to flesh them out a little bit more and also ask the robot for some ideas. And it doesn't mean that they're going to replace us yet, but it does mean that you've got a companion to help you work through your problems and challenges and get your job done.
Kendall: This was really unexpected for us, and another one of my favorite things I think about implementing AI. We use HappyPlaces internally and then have an external one through GuideGeek. And using these two tools, we've recognized some content gaps. We've used Intentful to fill them, but it's also provided opportunities for us to reach out to our stakeholders and get all of their business information updated. It just provides another touchpoint for them, and we can create really unique content for them so that our AI tools perform better. So, and then it's an opportunity to teach them about AI as well.
Amie: I think some of our partners already use it and whisper to me at meetings. They're like, ‘Are you using AI? I'm like, ‘Yeah, are you?’ It's like a secret thing, but I think in the next few years, we're all going to be using it, and it's not going to be so taboo anymore. But AI has definitely allowed us to craft more frequent partner emails. We started a Facebook partner, just a Facebook page, to make sure that we're staying on top of mind with partners. And we definitely use AI for crafting those emails and those constant email communications with our partners. I also use it to respond to social media comments because we all know that there's always a negative nelly on social media. So, just being able to respond in a friendlier tone, I am like, ‘Can you say this in a nicer fashion? Because I know what I want to respond with, but can you just say it in a nicer way so I don't lose my job?’
Bruce: Yeah, and the advantage is that you actually get to respond that way, but don't hit send. And then you get the robot to say, ‘Say it nicer before you hit send.’
Maria: I think they all touched on some really, really great things. And for us, it helps when our partners or stakeholders see what we're doing. We just presented at our citywide conference, and they were like, ‘Wow, so tourism does matter. Tourism does have an impact.’ And for me, that has been the greatest success story, in that people just get what you do. Because, for the most part, people are like, ‘Wait, you sell what?’ And we're like, ‘No, we're a destination marketing organization. We market you.’ So it's a lot of education, but at the same time, we have this tool, and we're amplifying and elevating our city and sharing it with the world. So that's how it helps us.
Bruce: I guess it's also a part of being a new DMO in an old city.
Maria: Yes.
Bruce: We saw a little bit of this earlier when you used the robot to fix your sidewalk. But can you share any unique or innovative ways you've utilized AI beyond its standard capabilities? I'm going to go to you, Kendall.
Kendall: Yeah, I was actually talking to someone last night. He was a Creative Director, and he was saying that he uses AI in general in a reverse way to have it quiz him and ask him questions about what he would need to put in a creative brief just to make sure that he has all of those things hit. And I thought that was a really interesting way to use AI. Another creative director friend I have was saying that he uses it to storyboard the whole process and to create that understanding between the client and how much better that's made the process. So that's not how I use it, but I will use it like that now.
Amie: One of the different ways I use it is, well, some people may use it this way, for podcast questions and scripts. We started a podcast about a year ago, and that's how I come up with my intros and how to introduce people. That has been very helpful in a different way to do that. And I feel like people don't know that there are SEO capabilities with an AI. HappyPlaces will help you determine what keywords you should be writing for, and then you can plug it into their tool to repurpose that content in a blog using those keywords.
Maria: Another AI tool that I use that you should not sleep on is Adobe. Right now, I'm an Adobe beta tester for Adobe Express. It's pretty much, oh my gosh, I don't know. I don't know, it's something on steroids. I don't know how to describe it. But it's integrated with, let's say, TikTok. And it gives you a script, a narration, or a whole brainstorm of what kind of reel you want to create. You just use the prompt, which gives you awesome captions or narration and ideas, and you can even pull up some B-roll. You can put in your own B-roll, which is really nice. And if some of you use Canva, it's pretty much Canva but on steroids, and you can do so much more with it. So use your Adobe products, it's really cool.
Bruce: Yeah, we purposely didn't focus on images for HappyPlaces and the Intentful because they are a landmine of legal issues, quality issues, and copyright infringement. However, anybody who ever asks, I always recommend that they check out Adobe because they're taking a route that is probably the safest with regard to not using copyrighted material outside of its usage restrictions. And it's probably the best way to explore image creation and image manipulation using AI.
We're focused on the text ourselves because we believe that that is where information lies. That's how people get information about when a store is open, when the attraction is closed, or what is just general information. It's also for SEO purposes, it's how search engine bots index and discover your site and try to determine what the page is about. It’s about reading 300 words on that page and understanding what that page is about and what your site is about. So this is why it's so important to create relevant content and create it at scale so that you have a lot of those pages.
I always thought this was a 30-minute session, but it looks like it was a 45-minute session. So we have time for questions and answers or at least questions. Does anybody have anything that they'd like to ask the panelists about their experience using AI or ask me about what Marina thinks?
Questioner 1: Hello. So, you talked about utilizing AI to create content. Let's talk a little bit about utilizing AI for public-facing services, like on your website, in the workplace of a visitor center, and other things.
Bruce: Sure. We have another product at Intentful called Know-It-All. That is, I hate using this term, like a chatbot. It's an AI assistant. It is trained on the data for your DMO. So, either through scraping your website or by providing materials to upload, it is able to answer questions in any language and any questions.
We also taught the AI to say ‘I don't know’ so that it doesn't make up lies or tell you about a restaurant that closed 20 years ago or is actually in a different state. We just released it very recently. has it on their website. You can check it out.
You can literally ask any question in any language. And it gives you answers. You can have a whole conversation with it. Ask about what to do next weekend. What are some family-friendly restaurants? Any question at all. It doesn't have any scripted questions or scripted answers. It says if you're talking to somebody who knows everything about visiting Stockton. And Visit Estes also, when they started with HappyPlaces, they also started with another AI company called GuideGeek. Kendall is going to talk about that.
Kendall: So, we launched Rocky Mountain Realmer, our consumer-facing tool. The coolest part about it for me is that Justin shared yesterday some of the questions that they got. It's a direct way to see what people are actually asking and really use that information to build out our content more. It's a direct way to see what people are trying to find on our website. And it has provided a lot of cool opportunities and things that we don't usually think about to add to our website.
Questioner 2: I got it. There we go. Matador Network isn't here, so this doesn't have to be like a cowbell thing unless you want to bring the cowbell. But I would check out if I were you because their mothership of GuideGeek is really interesting. You could test out your destination and see what it knows about your destination. And then, on the flip side, when you do a white-label version as we have with Rocky Mountain Realmer, we train it. And we went through lots of failures where our board members would figure out it didn't know about their business and be like, ‘Oh.’ But as Kendall said, it was a really good opportunity to go back then and train it. Then, you can go into the back end at the same time that someone is having a conversation and be human. So you can have a joint conversation while the robot is working. So, I imagine speaking of disruption as a period where you have an AI person in your office whose whole job is to monitor the conversations and implement that human piece.
And where's the guy from Visit Milwaukee? Because I feel like a poor guy… He wasn't like a hater of AI, but he, yes, he's not an AI hater. But he was like… I'm a journalist as well. So I appreciated that.
Your point was that when you marry the human piece with the robot, that's different from what Sports Illustrated did, which was just running stories without anybody looking at them. And that's where the beauty of the marriages between the two is, which is also where it gets super creepy because you've seen how people are dating AI bots now. Now, who wants to ask a question about that?
Bruce: So the really important takeaway here is the most important way to use AI is with a trained AI. It's very, very, very important to train the AI on your destination because otherwise, you're going to have a huge, huge gap in the quality of the information and the output that you get from the AI. It will not be very useful for you. And when you talk about public-facing interfaces like our Know-It-All interface and GuideGeek, again, training is super important, but you also need to have a testing period where you can ask the questions yourself internally and make sure that you're comfortable not just with the facts, but also in the style and ask it some weird questions. We actually got a question on the live Know-It-All of someone asking how to commit suicide. And the answer that came back was a referral to help centers. So, it wasn't factually necessarily correct, but it was ethically correct.
These are important things to think about when you implement AI. You want to go with something factually correct that understands and knows your destination, and that can only be achieved by training. And you also want something that's going to be ethical, such as the large language model itself, which already has built-in guidelines, guardrails, whatever you want to call it. So that it knows how to handle these challenging questions you hope you never get asked. But if you do get asked, you can have some confidence it's going to get answered correctly. So, any more questions? I realize I skipped a bunch of slides.
Amie: Okay. All my examples are just thrown out.
Questioner 3: Thank you. In addition to content creation and repurposing of content, one of the things we're looking at is the internal use of the chatbot. Say our HR department with HR questions, you know, our AT department, and please unplug it and plug it back in. Does the HappyPlaces or anyone else on the panel use it for those internal problems that could possibly be answered via a chatbot?
Bruce: I don't know if anybody on the panel is. Are they?
Kendall: No, not specifically for that. Although I guess if a partner went on to our chatbot, we have partner pages up there, but maybe not for internal use like that.
Bruce: So Intentful works, true confession here, and please don't boo me, we actually work outside of the travel industry as well. And we're doing a number of pilots with a large mobile network operator. They're all around a knowledge base, but one of them is in the HR sector, dealing with benefits and onboarding. There's also a training program for upskilling, and all of that is going to be powered by a conversational interface. I'm not going to say chatbot, but a conversational interface. We're now in the proof-of-concept planning space with them and moving along. It's tricky, but it's also very doable.
So, there are so many use cases for AI. We're here at the eTourism Summit. We're just going to talk about travel, but within your own organizations, there are going to be other use cases. We generally advise companies to have internal workshops so that all stakeholders can have a chance to see what the tools are and how they can use them because it will spawn ideas of new ways to use them and new ways to do their jobs. And it will help bring efficiency to the whole organization. And look, it's at zero. We did it. Okay.
Amie: Thank you guys.
Bruce: Thank you, everybody.