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How To Evolve Your Content Marketing Strategy For The Digital Age

It's no secret that the landscape of content marketing is constantly changing. What worked yesterday may not work today, and what works today may not work tomorrow. This is why it's so important for businesses to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the marketing world.

One of the biggest changes we at Intentful are seeing is the types of content that the brands create now. In the past, many brands didn't know whether their content was actually engaging or converting. They had to go by gut feelings. But now, with the power of data and analytics, brands have much better visibility into what content engages with what audiences, and what converts best. With the right data, brands can see what is resonating with their audiences and what isn't. This allows adjusting content strategy and messaging accordingly and helps brands make sure to always put out the best possible content.

As the world progresses, so do customers' expectations. They now demand more personalized and relevant content than ever before. If you want your brand to stay ahead of the curve, you need to be constantly evolving. By keeping up with the latest changes, you can ensure that your messages are always fresh and relevant and that you're always creating content that will appeal to your audience.

In this article, we at Intentful summarize important tips for an efficient digital content marketing strategy. Be sure to note them down:

Analyze your current strategy

Content marketing is a crucial part of any business's marketing strategy. After all, without content, how can you connect with customers? But simply creating posts and newsletters isn't enough. Any content must be relevant in order to achieve your marketing goals. That's where data and analytics come in. By examining your current content engagement performance, you can identify areas that need improvement. This will help you get better results from your content marketing efforts.

And if you're not happy with the results, it might be time for a refresh. Here are a few key areas to focus on when analyzing your content work:

  • Your goals

What do you hope to achieve with your content? If you're not sure, now is the time to take a close look at your goals and make sure they're realistic and achievable.

  • Target audience

Who are your customers? What type of media will they find most useful? Make sure you're creating content that appeals to your target audience and meets their needs.

  • Distribution

How are you sharing your content? Are you using the most effective channels? Make sure you're reaching your clients where they are.

  • Frequency

How often are you publishing new content? If you're not posting regularly, you're missing out on opportunities to engage your audience. On the other hand, if you're producing too much content, you risk overwhelming people and turning them off.

  • Quality

Is your content of high value? If not, it's time to up your game. Make sure your messages are well-written, informative, and engaging. And if they aren't, you can fix it by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence. Intentful helps brands optimize their content for discovery, and make it personalized and engaging.

Keep it short and sweet

In the age of digital distraction, it is more important than ever for brands to keep their content concise and to the point. Nowadays, users are bombarded with media from all sides, and it is essential that brands cut through the noise and deliver their message in a simple way. This way, it is more likely to be read and remembered. With people's attention spans shorter than ever, your main goal as a marketer is to make your content easy to consume and digest. This means getting rid of any fluff or filler and focusing on the most important points. Keep your sentences short and to the point, and use bullet points or lists whenever possible. And don't forget to proofread your work – nothing will turn people off faster than typos and grammatical errors.

Go beyond the written word

The power of audio and video should not be underestimated when it comes to marketing. The use of these formats can help businesses deliver their message in a more engaging way, and reach a wider audience. This way, companies can connect with their clients on a more personal level, and create content that is more likely to be shared. Besides, these formats allow brands to show off their products and services in a more exciting way.

Here are a few tips on how you can use audio and video:

  • Use video to tell your story

Whether it's a short film about your company or a product demo, video can help show who you are and what you do in a way that's both engaging and visually appealing.

  • Use audio to create an emotional connection

In a podcast about your industry or a voiceover for a demo on your website, audio can help you bond with your audience and help them connect with your brand.

  • Create a multimedia experience

For example, you could create a video tour of your office or production facility, with an audio narration that tells your company's story, or a product demo with interactive elements to link to a website or a social media page, or a blog. Video and audio are more engaging and personal, giving you the opportunity to put a face and a voice to your brand. People are more likely to do business with a company that they feel they know and can connect with. And besides, audio and video are more shareable and versatile, which can help increase your reach and grow your audience. 

Be interactive

As technology advances, so does the way that customers interact with businesses. In order to stay ahead of the curve, brands need to add more interactive elements to their marketing messages. By doing so, they will be able to better engage with their target audience and create a more memorable experience. Interactive elements can include things like quizzes, polls, surveys, and more. By adding these, you can collect valuable data about your customers (with their permission!) that can be used to improve their overall experience. 

Use a variety of channels

In today's world, people are constantly on the go and shift between screens multiple times a day. To reach your target audience, you need to meet them where they are at multiple touchpoints.

Every business is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach, but some of the channels are equally important for all content marketing:

  • Website
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Video
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts

Regardless of the format you choose, make sure it is engaging and informative. You may be surprised at the positive results you see from your audience.

Produce content at scale

With so much content available online, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. Creating a quality, original content is essential to engage your customers and promote your brand.

But creating it can be time-consuming, and it's not always easy to come up with topics that are relevant to your customer's interests. Artificial intelligence can help you streamline the content production process – by using AI to analyze audience interests, you can identify trends and topics that your clients will engage with and the messages that address their needs. 

If you're searching for ways to create high-quality pieces that are both engaging and relevant to your audience, look no further than Intentful. Our AI is powered by the latest advances in natural language processing, which allows us to produce anything from articles and blog posts to landing pages and emails. Regardless of the content type you need, with us, you can create it quickly and easily. We use cutting-edge technology to analyze your audience's behavior and interests, so you can design the most relevant and engaging marketing messages. Intentful creates content that is aligned with your brand voice and your clients' needs. None of the content sounds like a "soulless" created-by-robot-like text. Humans and AI work together in harmony to deliver the best possible quality. 

How does AI know what content to create?

Take a look at how we train AI to understand the brand, the business, target audience, objectives, and more. 

Intentful. The Future of Content.

Implement your new strategy and track results

As a marketer, you know how crucial it is to have a solid strategy in place. But what's even more important is tracking the results of your efforts so you can continually make adjustments as needed. Improving your content based on the data you are seeing will help reach your goals and objectives faster. There are a number of tools to use, from measuring the number of website visitors to tracking the number of leads and sales. 

Implementing a new content marketing strategy can be a daunting task, but it is worth it in the end. So don't let your competition get ahead of you and start tracking your results today. It could be the best decision you ever made for your brand.